Yike Zhang
I'm a graduate research assistant at Vanderbilt in Nashville, where I work in Biomedical Image Analysis for Image Guided Interventions (BAGL lab) that mostly focus on deep learning powered medical image processing.
At BAGL, I've worked on
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I'm interested in computer vision, machine learning, optimization, and image processing. Most of my research is about inferring the physical world (shape, motion, color, light, etc) from images. Representative papers are highlighted.
Advances in Neural Rendering
Ayush Tewari,
Justus Thies,
Ben Mildenhall,
Pratul Srinivasan,
Edgar Tretschk,
Yifan Wang,
Christoph Lassner,
Vincent Sitzmann,
Ricardo Martin-Brualla,
Stephen Lombardi,
Tomas Simon,
Christian Theobalt,
Matthias Niessner,
Jonathan T. Barron,
Gordon Wetzstein,
Michael Zollhoefer,
Vladislav Golyanik
State of the Art Report at EUROGRAPHICS, 2022
A survey of recent progress in neural rendering.
Neural-PIL: Neural Pre-Integrated Lighting for Reflectance Decomposition
Mark Boss,
Varun Jampani,
Raphael Braun,
Ce Liu,
Jonathan T. Barron,
Hendrik P. A. Lensch
NeurIPS, 2021
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Replacing a costly illumination integral with a simple network query enables more accurate novel view-synthesis and relighting compared to NeRD.